Many patients may have heard the term deep cleaning and believe that to be the work that their hygienist performs every six months. However, deep cleanings are not the same as the routine cleanings that are being performed. Deep cleanings are generally conducted after patients have missed their regular cleanings for a long period of time and are used in order to correct any periodontal or gum disease.
Heat and Massage Chair
Hot Towel
Neck Pillow
Hot and Cold Beverages
Movie or Music with Headphones
Bite Rest
Dark or Clear Glasses
Lip Balm
Nitrous Oxide
Oral Sedation
IV Sedation
If you’ve recently had a dental procedure, you may have received a sealant treatment. It is a quick and easy procedure that many patients don’t know much about. Sealants are thin plastic coatings that are painted onto the surface of the tooth that help to reduce tooth decay and protect the underlying tooth.
Cancer can affect any area of the body, including the mouth. Research estimates that around 49,000 Americans are diagnosed with oral cancer every year. Of these, just 57% will survive for at least five years following their diagnosis. These are shocking statistics, but the relatively poor outcome of patients is primarily a result of late diagnosis.
Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that helps to strengthen teeth and protect them from cavities caused by dental decay. Dental decay happens when the sugars in the food and drink we consume interact with the bacteria in the mouth and produce a sticky film on the teeth called plaque and plaque acids.
Finding basic information on what you should be doing for your teeth can be difficult since advertisers have saturated the market trying to prove why their product is the best or only option for your teeth. However, dental care doesn’t have to be that difficult.