Preventative Care

Dental Cleanings

Dental Cleaning

Many patients may have heard the term deep cleaning and believe that to be the work that their hygienist performs every six months. However, deep cleanings are not the same as the routine cleanings that are being performed. Deep cleanings are generally conducted after patients have missed their regular cleanings for a long period of time and are used in order to correct any periodontal or gum disease.

Laser Dentistry

Laser Dentistry

Laser therapy is a relatively new innovation that is currently being used across a number of medical and cosmetic surgery fields including optometry, dermatology, pain management, and beauty therapy. Although laser therapy has been used in dentistry since 1994, it is only more recently that this innovative approach to dental treatment has really gained momentum.

Periodontal Maintenance

Periodontal Maintenance

Gum disease is an exceedingly common oral health problem and is estimated to affect more than half of the U.S. population. Unfortunately, since it is very easy to ignore in the earliest stages of the condition, it is often fairly advanced by the time it is diagnosed which means that irreversible damage to your oral health may have already occurred.